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Online Advertising Predictions For 2006
Di Max Da Via' (del 13/11/2005 @ 09:19:04, in Pubblicità, linkato 2063 volte)
24/7 Real Media, azienda specializzata nel marketing interattivo attraverso i vari media, ha recentemente pubblicato quelli che a parere dei loro esperti saranno i principali sviluppi dell’advertising online per l’anno prossimo.

24/7 Real Media's Interactive Marketing Experts Reveal Their Online Advertising Predictions For 2006. (…)

Among the most remarkable revelations, 24/7 Real Media's experts predict that search engine marketing, which helped boost the entire online advertising sector in 2005, will reinvent itself as a lead-generation channel while continuing to drive significant advertising revenue. Podcasting, blogging and mobile applications will become more attractive to advertisers, as behavioral targeting becomes increasingly indispensable for delivering the right content to the most receptive audience.

The 24/7 Real Media experts' Top Ten Online Advertising Predictions for 2006 include:

1. Consumer-generated media will become increasingly attractive to advertisers

2. Advertisers will continue shifting traditional ad spending to the Web due to increased Internet consumption and better targeting/reporting capabilities

3. Advertisers, cable providers and interactive marketing experts will collaborate to address "The TiVo Effect"

4. Brand advertisers will drive the next wave of growth for the paid search market

5. Best practices in localized mobile marketing will be perfected overseas in 2006

6. Online advertisers will employ holistic targeting methods to deliver better results and reduce reliance on high-profile, high-CPM ad buys

7. Technology and better data access will transform online advertising success to a formulaic equation

8. Japan will be the next frontier for paid search and interactive marketing

9. Mobile carriers will adopt new ad models to boost revenue beyond usage

10. Performance-based pricing models will demonstrate the true value of search engine marketing (SEM) as a lead generation channel.